Showing posts with label Life Lovers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Lovers. Show all posts

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Success Quotes

"How you play the game" is for college boys. When you're playing for money, winning is the only thing that counts.
— Leo Durocher

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rules of Happy Life

100 Ways To Be Happy
1. Never put yourself last.
2. When you extend a helping hand to one person,
be careful not to kick someone else in the teeth.
3. Always own a pair of old, faded jeans.
4. Count your blessings every day.
5. Acknowledge your successes along with your downfalls.
6. Burn the candle that has been in storage for the last two years.
7. Strive for progress, not perfection.
8. Remember, the voice telling you that you cannot do something is always lying.
9. At least once a day sit and do nothing.
10. Don't close your heart so tightly against life's pain that you shut out life's blessings.
11. Celebrate all your birthdays no matter how old you get.
12. Examine your life for limitations and ask yourself why you put them there.
13. Plant a tree, pull weeds, or get your hands dirty.
14. Diminish your wants instead of increasing your needs.
15. Cry when you feel like it.16. Rejoice in other people's triumphs.
17. Don't wait for someone else to laugh or express joy.
18. Forgive yourself for any mistake you make, no matter how big or small.
19. Keep good company.
20. Never take a pill for a pain you need to feel.
21. Use your enthusiasm to put yourself in forward gear
and give yourself a spark to move ahead.
22. Look in the eyes of the ones you love when you are talking to them.
23. Remember that one is a whole number.
24. Walk in a summer rain shower without an umbrella.
25. Do a kind deed for someone else.
26. Keep your eyes and ears open to get the messages you need
from people and events in your daily life.
27. Be patient.
28. Eat something green.
29. Change what you can and leave the rest alone.
30. Walk hand and hand with truth.
31. Make laughter and joy a greater part of your life than anger and grief.
32. Embrace solitude instead of running from it.
33. Be zealous, not jealous.
34. Forgive anyone you've been holding a grudge against.
35. Slow down and enjoy the present.
36. Walk in others' shoes before judging them.
37. Send yourself a kind message.
38. Remind yourself that the company you keep is a reflection of
what you think of yourself.
39. Go on a picnic.
40. Accept your fears, no matter how crazy they seem.
41. Don't let other people's opinions shape who you are.
42. Say a prayer.
43. Never attribute your accomplishments to luck or chance.
44. Know when to say no.
45. Look at the positive side of negative situation.
46. Remember that you are a spiritual being in a physical body.
47. Avoid seeking out other people for constant approval, because
it make them the master and you the slave.
48. Go fly a kite.49. Avoid fads and bandwagons.
50. Accept the things you cannot change.
51. Look inside instead of outside yourself for answers to life's problems.
52. Remember that all feelings are okay.
53. Shield yourself from bad influences.
54. Stand up for what you believe in.
55. Respect the wishes of others when they say no.
56. Seize every moment and live it fully.
57. Give away or sell anything you haven't used in the past five years.
58. Never downgrade yourself.
59. Take responsibility for what you think, feel, and do.
60. Pamper yourself.
61. Never say or do anything abusive to a child.
62. Let yourself be God powered instead of flying solo.
63. Volunteer to help someone in need.
64. Refrain from overindulging in food, drink, and work.
65. Finish unfinished business.
66. Be spontaneous.
67. Find a constructive outlet for your anger.
68. Think about abundance instead of lack, because whatever
you think about expands.
69. Think of yourself as a survivor, not a victim.
70. Cuddle an animal.
71. Be open to life.
72. See success as something you already have, not something
you must attain.
73. Experience the splendor and awe of a sunset.
74. When you score a base hit, don't wish it were a home run.
75. Learn to be in the present moment.
76. Instead of believing in miracles, depend on them.
77. Take a child to the circus.
78. Change your attitude and your whole life will change.
79. Never turn your power over to another person.
80. When your heart is at odds with your head, follow your heart.
81. Always remember that the past is gone forever and the future never comes.
82. Live your life according to what is right for you.83. Acknowledge your imperfections.
84. Plant a tree and watch it grow.
85. See "friend" instead of "enemy" on the face of strangers.
86. Watch an army of ants build their houses and cities and carry food ten times their weight.
87. Believe in something bigger than yourself.
88. Let the playful child within you come out.
89. Make haste slowly.
90. Work through your problems step by step and one day at a time.
91. Accept compliments from others so you can see the truth about yourself.
92. Sit on the lawn without worrying about grass stains.
93. Don't condemn yourself for your imperfections.
94. Do a humility check periodically by loving the truth about yourself.
95. Tell someone you appreciate them.
96. Never live your life according to what is right for someone else.
97. Talk less and listen more.
98. Admit your wrongdoing and forgive yourself for it.
99. Thrive on inner peace instead of on crises.
100. Affirm all the good things about yourself.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.


Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008




The ‘Home Of Peaceful Empathy’ or HOPE as it was popularly known was a home for the aged. It had about thirty residents. Some were sick, others were healthy. Some were active, others were confined to wheelchairs. Two things they all had in common: Their children didn’t want to keep them and they all had a limited lease of life left!Every evening, all the residents would sit outside in the garden. The management would put cane chairs outside. Tea and biscuits would be served to them. It was a daily routine that these elderly people looked forward to. Next door lived a young couple and their ten year old son, Bunty. The little boy was very thin and weak. He seemed to have no friends of his age. Every evening he would come to the old age home and chat with the residents. Sometimes he would bring yellow daisies for them. He would put the daisies into the hair of the old women and into the button holes of the old men’s jackets. He called all the women ‘Grandma’, and all the men ‘Grandpa’. They looked forward to Bunty’s visits just as much as he looked forward to them.Sometimes Bunty would play the guitar and sing songs for them. One day he told them about the drama that they had at school. He enacted the various roles all by himself. He loved these old people and he loved to see them laugh. Another day he brought his cricket bat and played cricket with them. He loved to see the Grandpa’s turn into little boys.Bunty’s mother was usually busy with her household chores, but sometimes she would come along with Bunty and chat with these oldies. They would often ask her why Bunty had no friends of his age. She would simply say, “He’s happier playing with you. Perhaps he has got something in common with you.”One evening the residents waited for Bunty, but he didn’t turn up. The next day too, there was no sign of him. On the fourth day, one old man who was really missing Bunty, pressed the door bell of Bunty’s house. A worried looking mother opened the door. “Good evening ma’am! I was wondering if Bunty is well, we haven’t seen him around for some days. Is everything alright?” The woman hesitated, “Yes, I mean, no, it isn’t. Bunty is sick. Would you like to come to his room?”The old man followed the lady to Bunty’s room. The sight he saw stopped him in his tracks. A bottle of blood was being transfused into the boy. Next to his bed was a trolley laden with bottles of glucose and dextrose. There were numerous bottles of medicine. There was a nurse on duty. She signalled for them to be quiet. She got up and motioned them to come out of the room. “He has just gone to sleep. He’s been struggling with the pain. Please don’t disturb him.”The lady said, “Grandpa, Bunty is thalasemmic.” She swallowed to hide her tears, “Every month we take him to the hospital for his blood transfusion. Three days back he contracted a viral. He got a chest infection and had very high fever. We requested the doctor to give him the blood transfusion at home. He has very low immunity. It will take a while for him to get well. The old man said, “He never told us. He came to see us everyday, but he never let us know. Come to think of it, even you never let us know!”“Grandpa, Bunty’s a strong willed boy. He’d be heart broken if all of you were to pity him. He never wanted to discuss his disease. He’s not able to match up with his peers at school, while playing games, so he opts to play with all of you. It makes him happy, so I allow him to see you every evening.”The old man was speechless. All the little acts of love; all that sharing and caring; all that concern and laughter from a child who was thalasemmic!The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect!


Friday, November 21, 2008



A young man called Ramaswami died an untimely death. His parents, wife and nine year old son were crying bitterly, sitting next to his dead body. They all happened to be disciples of a holy man whom they called ‘Maharaj Ji’.When Maharaj Ji learnt that Ramaswami had died, he came to visit the family. He entered the house and found the family wailing inconsolably. Seeing Maharaj Ji, the wife started crying even louder. She sobbed saying, “Maharaj Ji, he has died too early, he was so young. Oh! I would do anything to make him alive again. What will happen to our son? I am so helpless and miserable.” Maharaj Ji tried to pacify the crying lady and the old parents, but the loss was too much for them to come to terms with so easily. Eventually, Maharaj Ji said, “Alright, get me a glass of water.” Maharaj Ji sat near the dead body and put the glass next to it. He said, “Now, who ever wants that Ramaswami should become alive again may drink this water. Ramaswami shall come back to life, but the person who drinks the water shall die!” Silence!“Come, did you not say that Ramaswami was the sole breadwinner of the family? Who would die instead of him? It is a case of fair exchange, isn’t it?”The wife looked at the old mother and the old mother looked at the wife. The old father looked at Ramaswami’s son. But no one came forward. Then Maharaj Ji said to the old father, “Babuji, wouldn’t you give your life for your son?” The old man said, “Well, I have my responsibility towards my wife. If I die who will look after her? I cannot offer my life to you.”Maharaj Ji looked questioningly at the old woman and said, “Amma?” She said, “My daughter is due to deliver her first baby. She will be coming to stay for a month. If I die who will look after her and the newborn. Why don’t you ask Ramaswami’s wife?”Maharaj Ji smiled and looked at the young widow. She widened her tear filled eyes and said, “Maharaj Ji, I need to live for my son. If I die, who will look after him? He needs me. Please don’t ask me to do this.”Maharaj Ji asked the son, “Well little boy, would you like to give your life for your father?” Before the boy could say anything, his mother pulled him to her breast and said, “Maharaj Ji, are you insane? My son is only nine. He has not yet lived his life. How could you even think of such a thing?”Maharaj Ji said, “Well it seems, that all of you are very much needed for the things you need to do in this world. It seems Ramaswami was the only one that could be spared. That is why God chose to take him away. So shall we proceed with his last rites? It’s getting late.”Having said that, Maharaj Ji got up and left.God’s plan is impeccable. Sometimes man is unable to understand God’s design. The time of entry and exit for each one of us, is in God’s hands. It is His prerogative alone to pluck the flower He wishes to. It is no body’s prerogative to question His will.In the words of Baba, “We tend a plant only when the leaves are green; when they become dry and the plant becomes a life-less stick, we stop loving it. Love lasts as long as life exists.”


When you know you need help, don’t delay in asking for it.

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day
The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.- George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ask someone to pick up your mail and daily paper when you’re out of town. Those are the first two things potential burglars look for.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Always have something beautiful in sight, even if it’s just a daisy in a glass.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Here is an anecdote from the life of the famous Emperor Akbar who was very fond of music. Musicians and artisans were given a lot of encouragement at Akbar’s court. The great singer Tansen was his court singer. One day Akbar said, “Tansen, you sing so beautifully. I am sure that there is no one in the world who can sing better than you.” Tansen replied humbly, “Badshah Salamat (your royal highness), I beg to differ. There is one person who sings more sweetly than me.”
Akbar said, “That is impossible. Who is he?” Tansen said, “Oh Badshah! He is my Guru Shri Haridas. If you want to hear him sing, you shall have to come with me to Vrindavan.”
So it was settled. Akbar went to Vrindavan along with Tansen. They reached there in the late evening. Tansen said, “Maharaj, my Guru should be resting now. Let us also sleep. We shall go to see him in the morning.”
In the wee hours of the morning, Akbar woke up to the sound of someone singing. He listened intently. The singer was singing a devotional song, to wake up the baby Krishna sleeping in His cradle. So sweet were the notes and so heavily were they drenched in love and devotion that the voice was divine and sweet beyond words. Akbar was totally immersed in the sweet nectarine words and intoxicating music. Tansen woke up to find Akbar totally overwhelmed by the sweetness of the song that he was unconsciously an audience to. Tansen whispered into the ear of the Emperor, “My Lord that is my Guru Haridas.”
Akbar slowly opened his tear-filled eyes and asked, “You too sing in my court Tansen; but what is this? Yah Allah! What sweetness! I have never experienced this before! What is the difference?” Tansen said, “Badshah Salamat there is only one difference. But it is a great big difference.”“What is that?”“My Lord, I sing for the Badshah of Delhi. My Guru Haridas sings for the Badshah of the Universe!”
What an enormous difference! Anything and everything that is done with love and devotion for God becomes sweet and beautiful. Bhagawan Baba tells us that, devotion is not a uniform to be worn on special occasions. Devotion is a way of life!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Quote of the Day

I know of nothing more despicable and pathetic than a man who devotes all the hours of the waking day to the making of money for money's sake. - John D. Rockefeller




A beautiful baby girl was born to Radhika. The labour room attendants were extremely busy. Twenty one children were born in the hospital on that day. The doctors and nurses were heavily overworked.Radhika held the baby girl in her arms and caressed her soft hair. She whispered sweet nothings into her little ears. She breast fed her every two hours. The little baby would let out a little whimper and Radhika would attend to her in a jiffy. She changed her diapers and snuggled her close to herself to warm her, on this cold December night. On the third day, just before Radhika was to be discharged from hospital and sent home, she heard a commotion in the corridor of the ward. A woman was shouting, and some others were trying to quieten her.A few minutes later, a team of doctors walked into Radhika’s room. They looked tense. The senior doctor said, “Radhika, we need to do a DNA test for your baby girl and you. We need to take the samples.” Radhika was a little unnerved, “Why? What is it for?” “Err; it seems there has been a mix up. A lady has alleged that the baby girl that she had given birth to has been given to you and your baby has been given to her!”The words fell on her ears like a bombshell. She fainted. When she came back to consciousness, she could not speak a word. The DNA tests confirmed that the babies had indeed been exchanged. The doctor took the baby girl away and brought the other baby girl to her. Radhika held the new baby in her arms and cried endlessly. How much love she had showered upon the other child! All of a sudden she was told that the child did not belong to her! In a minute the child was whisked away from her arms. What a sea change her emotions had undergone. She did not love that child any more. Gone were the attachment and the affection. The realization took only an instant!This happening sets us thinking. We too, need to realize the truth about our worldly relationships. Our parents and our children are surely a part of our flesh and blood but we need to realize that the attachment is only up to the flesh and blood. Sooner or later children grow up and lead their lives independent of their parents. This is the way of the world. Each one of us came into this world alone and shall go alone too. Undue attachments tie us down. The sooner one realizes that we just need to do our duty and not get unduly entangled with emotions; the sooner one is able to free oneself from worldly attachments.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Golden Quotes

What causes the most pain- the mistake or the criticism for the mistake?

Golden Quotes

What causes the most pain- the mistake or the criticism for the mistake?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Golden Quotes

"Problems in the world will increase; therefore, I should increase my capacity for dealing with problems...."

Monday, August 11, 2008



Marina’s husband had just passed away to a terminal illness. Their savings had been spent to the last penny in trying to save him. She had a fourteen year old daughter and an eleven year old son. Marina’s world had just crumbled to bits. She had no work experience; she was totally a home-bird.Friends and relatives came to console her. Most of them offered, “If there is anything that we can do to help, do let us know”; “You are not alone, we will stand by you.”....A month later, Marina requested one of these friends to help her get a job as a receptionist at a local school. The friend said, “Actually Marina, they really won’t listen to anyone. I would have spoken to the Principal for you, but she is just not the obliging type....”A week later Marina applied for a job as a salesgirl, in a women’s garments store and asked a relative to put in a word for her. “You see Marina, the owner is my friend no doubt, but you are really not the type, I mean, you have to have a certain personality to look after such a job; but if there is anything else, I’m always willing to help.” This went on.... hollow words, meaningless endearments and lame excuses.Till one night, Marina broke down. The next instalment for the school fees of her children was due in a fortnight. The house rent was grossly overdue. Her expenses seemed to soar whereas her resources dwindled. She cried her heart out and prayed, “Oh God! Why did you do this to us? How shall I tend to my children? Please help me for I am absolutely alone.” She cried herself to sleep. In her dream she saw God smiling at her and blessing her.The next morning she found an advertisement in the newspaper for a walk-in-interview to fill the post of a warden for a Boarding school. She walked into the interview room with the confidence that stems only from God’s presence in you. She was offered the job, provided she could move into a residence at the hostel premises, for the warden was supposed to be present all day. The school provided free education to the wards of their employees! The school mess would also provide free meals to her wards and herself. With one stroke, all her problems were solved!
It is only God who stands by His words, when He asks you to surrender your problems to Him and forget about them. But, if you continue to worry about them, He does not take over. To surrender means, to turn your thoughts away from all your problems and leave everything into His hands saying, “Lord, Thy will be done.”When at last you realize that God is all you have left; it is then that you realize that God is all that you really needed!In one discourse Baba said, “Sometimes you feel that disasters increase instead of diminishing! Don’t get agitated. Close your eyes and tell me with faith, “Thy will be done. Thou think of it.” And when you thus speak I even accomplish a miracle when necessary. I always think of you, but I can only help you completely when you rely fully on Me.”


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Golden Quotes

Happiness is enhanced by others, but does not depend upon others.



There was tension in the air as mother stood behind her daughter’s chair in the dinning room. Today’s menu for lunch was jackfruit and curd with Roti. The little girl had her eyes and her plate full. She refused to eat the jackfruit. Mother was equally adamant. She would have to eat it! There was no way that mother was going to let the girl leave the table without eating the much detested vegetable. How else would she learn to eat all kinds of vegetables? The father had promised his wife that he would let her take the forefront when it came to discipline, so he watched in silence. Grandma looked disgusted at the attitude of the mother. The tension was unnerving.The poor child looked at the revolting mass in her plate and felt that if she ate it, she would definitely throw up. Suddenly she said, “Okay, if I eat it, will you grant me a wish?” Father grabbed the opportunity to resolve the situation and said quickly, “Yes honey, whatever you say. Just finish it fast and tell me what you want. I’ll get it for you.” The girl said, “It may not be a ‘thing’. It may be something else.” Father said, “Don’t worry; I’ve given you my promise. Now gobble it up.” The girl put a spoonful of jackfruit into her mouth and made a face as if she was tasting poison. The mother said, “See that you don’t go overboard in asking for a wish. After all, it’s just a bowl of jackfruit. It’s not such a big deal after all!”The girl ate it all up, washed it down with a whole glass of water and then said quickly, “I want to get my head shaved!”Mother’s spoon fell from her hand, with a clatter and grandma almost fainted. “What rubbish! That’s impossible; don’t even dream about it. Silly girl!” said mother. For once Grandma seemed to see eye to eye with her daughter in law but chose to keep silent. Father said, “Look my child, this is quite a ridiculous thing to ask for; be reasonable and I shall surely let you have your way.” But the girl was adamant. “Daddy you promised me. You gave me your word. It was a bargain.” Daddy said, “But darling you shall look obnoxious. Why don’t we buy you a nice Barbie doll instead?” “But I don’t want a doll; I just want to get my head shaved. You have always taught me about the value of honouring your word, what about that now? You are going back on your word. It’s so unfair!” she said in a trembling voice.Looking at the little girl’s tear filled eyes, Daddy’s heart melted, although he could not make out head or tail of why she wanted to do such a weird thing. He said, “She has done her part. If we do not honour our word, she will never learn to honour hers. And how does it matter anyway? Its just hair! It will grow back. What’s the big deal about it?” Mother said, “Who ever heard of a girl getting her head shaved? I will not allow it.” Father stood his ground. “No,” he said. “You had your way; now don’t be unfair to her and stop making a fuss!”Father took the girl to the barber and got the job done. Later in the evening, he took her to the park to play as he did every evening. A short while later a boy came to the park. Father was surprised to note that the boy too had no hair on his head. He did not understand, was this the latest fashion or what? Just then a lady, apparently the bald boy’s mother came up to him and said, “You have quite a daughter. She promised my son that she would get her head shaved, so that the other children at the park would not jeer at him. But I never thought she would actually live up to it.”The man was even more confused now, “But, why did your son have to get his head shaved?” he asked. She tried to smile bravely and said, “Oh no! My son did not have to get his head shaved. You see he has leukaemia. During the chemotherapy he lost all his hair and was refusing to come out of the house. He was afraid that the other children would make fun of him. But your daughter coaxed him on the phone to come today, saying that she too would come with her head shaved to make sure that no body laughed at him!”That is love! Pure and simple! No strings attached! Truly, the most precious things in life can not be made or bought, they are gifted to us by God; we just have to realize how precious they are.