If you have Rs 2 lakh to invest, your bank may roll out a red carpet, your stock broker may inundate you with hot tips and the friendly neighbourhood jeweller may even offer a discount on making charges. However, you will probably get laughed out of the estate agent's office. Not anymore. With Sebi issuing final guidelines for real estate investment trusts (REITs), you will soon be able to get a piece of the action in the property market with as little as Rs 2 lakh.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Four keys to retire rich
You work all your life in hope of a comfortable retirement. However, unless planned carefully, retirement can be all your nightmares coming true-your salary, the regular stream of income would dried up while expenses, such as health care and living, would have only shot up. Here are four simple keys to ensure your golden years are spent comfortably.
1.Know how much to save: More than 24% of the 2,578 respondents to an online survey conducted by last year said they were saving less than 5% of their income for retirement. Another 25% are putting away 5-10% of their income for their sunset years. It is unlikely this will be enough to sustain their current lifestyles when they stop working.
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