Monday, August 11, 2008



Marina’s husband had just passed away to a terminal illness. Their savings had been spent to the last penny in trying to save him. She had a fourteen year old daughter and an eleven year old son. Marina’s world had just crumbled to bits. She had no work experience; she was totally a home-bird.Friends and relatives came to console her. Most of them offered, “If there is anything that we can do to help, do let us know”; “You are not alone, we will stand by you.”....A month later, Marina requested one of these friends to help her get a job as a receptionist at a local school. The friend said, “Actually Marina, they really won’t listen to anyone. I would have spoken to the Principal for you, but she is just not the obliging type....”A week later Marina applied for a job as a salesgirl, in a women’s garments store and asked a relative to put in a word for her. “You see Marina, the owner is my friend no doubt, but you are really not the type, I mean, you have to have a certain personality to look after such a job; but if there is anything else, I’m always willing to help.” This went on.... hollow words, meaningless endearments and lame excuses.Till one night, Marina broke down. The next instalment for the school fees of her children was due in a fortnight. The house rent was grossly overdue. Her expenses seemed to soar whereas her resources dwindled. She cried her heart out and prayed, “Oh God! Why did you do this to us? How shall I tend to my children? Please help me for I am absolutely alone.” She cried herself to sleep. In her dream she saw God smiling at her and blessing her.The next morning she found an advertisement in the newspaper for a walk-in-interview to fill the post of a warden for a Boarding school. She walked into the interview room with the confidence that stems only from God’s presence in you. She was offered the job, provided she could move into a residence at the hostel premises, for the warden was supposed to be present all day. The school provided free education to the wards of their employees! The school mess would also provide free meals to her wards and herself. With one stroke, all her problems were solved!
It is only God who stands by His words, when He asks you to surrender your problems to Him and forget about them. But, if you continue to worry about them, He does not take over. To surrender means, to turn your thoughts away from all your problems and leave everything into His hands saying, “Lord, Thy will be done.”When at last you realize that God is all you have left; it is then that you realize that God is all that you really needed!In one discourse Baba said, “Sometimes you feel that disasters increase instead of diminishing! Don’t get agitated. Close your eyes and tell me with faith, “Thy will be done. Thou think of it.” And when you thus speak I even accomplish a miracle when necessary. I always think of you, but I can only help you completely when you rely fully on Me.”


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