Saturday, May 17, 2014

When not to Talk about money with your Partner ?

Don’t Talk About Money If You Are HALT

halt - Hundry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
Don’t have important conversations under these conditions!
Solomon identifies 4 times that you shouldn’t talk about money. She refers to these four times as HALT. Any time your present situation is qualified by one or more of the following characteristics, it’s not a good time for your money talk:
  1. Hunger
  2. Anger
  3. Loneliness
  4. Tiredness

Smart Ways to Earn Smart Money

Work Freelance

he recession has driven more and more companies to look for contract and freelance work as an alternative to full-time positions. Farming out work to independent contractors makes sense for the bottom line because companies can pay for the work they need done, with decreased overhead expenses like benefits and setting up a physical office for each employee. In today's economy, nine in 10 companies use some amount of contract work [source: Koba]. If you have a marketable skill like graphic design, search engine optimization, Web design, public relations or writing, you can take advantage of those employers' cost cutting.