Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jago-Grahak-Jago (Consumer Beware)

Consumer Protection Mechanism
A major milestone was achieved in the Jago-Grahak-Jago
(Consumer Beware) movement when the Consumer
Protection Act 1986 was enacted - a vehicle for securing
speedy and in-expensive redressal of consumer
grievances. To give effect to the provisions of the Act, the
Consumer Protection Rules 1987 were made. And finally
for regulating the procedure of the Consumer Courts, the
Consumer Protection Regulations, 2005 have also been
Legal Mechanism
There is a three tier quasi-judicial mechanism for speedy
redressal of the consumer grievances
• at District Forum (upto Rs.20 lacs),
• State Commission (Rs.20 lacs to Rs.1 crore)
• and National Commission (above Rs.1 crore).
There are at present 604 District Forums, 35 State
Commissions with apex body as National Commission
situated at New Delhi.
In these three judicial bodies taken together 27.24 lacs
cases were filed since their inception, out of which 23.83
lacs cases (87%) have been resolved. The percentage of
resolved cases is 90% for District Fora, 72% for State
Commissions and 81% for the National Commission.
Other doors are also open for help
Most of the time consumers, though aggrieved of
violation of their rights, avoid going to consumer courts
owing to perceived cumbersome procedures &
ineffectiveness, time delay and the cost of litigation.
Keeping this in view the procedure of consumer courts
has been made as consumer friendly as possible, at the
same time the Govt. has also created following other
avenues also whereby consumers can resolve their
grievances out of the court.
The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public
Distribution, Govt. of India, on 15th March 2005 (World
Consumer Rights Day) launched the Consumer Online
Resource & Empowerment Center (CORE center), which
is a consumer friendly portal for consumer awareness
and protection. This portal is managed by the Central
Coordination Council (CCC) and supported by the
Anybody can access the portal on to
• Utilise the online database for all consumer related
• Subscribe for regular free e-Newsletters for all the
latest, relevant and up to date consumer news,
events, articles and judgments.
• Most importantly register his complaint online for
mediation. The core center uses its good offices to
resolve the complaint by taking up the same
effectively with the opposite party. It provides
constant support and guidance to the consumers to
resolve their consumer rights related grievances
out of the court as far as possible.
A National Consumer Helpline (NCH) has also been
started w.e.f. 1st March 2005 on the Toll Free no.1800-
11-4000 (from MTNL & BSNL lines). Anybody can call on
this phone no. between 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM on any
working day for seeking information, advice and
guidance for resolving his problem related to consumer
rights. This Helpline is maintained at University of Delhi
with the support and financial assistance from Deptt. of
Consumer Affairs.
With the support of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, a downto-
earth NGO called VOICE (Voluntary Organisation on
the Interest of Consumer Education) is also functioning at
national level. The primary focus of this organisation is to
create informed consumers. It raises awareness in
consumers not only about malpractices perpetuated in
the marketplace, but also about his rights.
It publishes a monthly magazine Consumer Voice (both
English and Hindi edition) that contains articles on
comparative testing of products, finance, health, legal
issues, environment and sustainability, to create
consumer awareness. This magazine has an online
edition also.
Voice is doing remarkable job in the field of product
testing. The purpose of testing is to inform the consumers
about the comparative quality vis-à-vis price to enable
them to make correct choice of product at best price. 16
products have been successfully tested so far, including
TV, ceiling fans, mineral water, CFLs, Banks, and
Insurance etc. Results of 12 more products and 7 services
are in the pipeline.
Anybody can access to their portal www.consumervoice.
org and seek legal counselling, guidance or advice
on consumer related matters and can also air his opinions
and consumer grievances through blogging. Consumer
Voice also maintains a 24X7 helpline on 0124-3989-8080
for counselling or redressal of consumer grievances.

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